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Earth Alerts(灾害预报软件) 2014.1.24 正式版

Earth Alerts(灾害预报软件) 2014.1.24 正式版

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51汇集网提供《Earth Alerts(灾害预报软件)》2014.1.24 正式版下载,该软件为免费软件,文件大小为5.75 MB,推荐指数3颗星,作为国产软件中的顶尖厂商,完全可以放心下载哦!

Earth Alerts可以提供由美国国家气象局和美国地质调查局发布的全美各地的自然灾害预报;它界面完善容易阅读,资料也很全面,还提供在线实时警报。你可以选择自己感兴趣的地区,检索当地的最新自然气候情况,并将网上相关的数据下载下来。

Earth Alerts官方简介:

Earth Alerts is a Windows-based application that allows you to monitor in near real-time a variety of natural hazard events that are occurring anywhere around the world. Alert notifications, reports, and imagery provide the user with a convenient way to view natural phenomenon as they occur, whether close to home or some far-flung corner of the globe!

Earth Alerts uses a variety of online resources provided by organizations such as the National Weather Service, U.S. Geological Survey and Smithsonian Institution (just to name a few), to identify what sort of activities "Mother Earth" is currently dishing out on the planet.

To use Earth Alerts, you simply select the specific natural hazards -- earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildfires, landslides, severe weather, local weather, etc. -- and the locations that interest you. The application will then automatically retrieve the latest information from various live data feeds available on the Internet and present it to you in a convenient arrangement of reports, maps and images.

Earth Alerts has been available to the general public since 2005. In that time it has undergone a number of significant enhancements. As a hobby, a one man production and a labor of love, conceiving the ideas and creating Earth Alerts has been a (time consuming) pet project over the past few years!

下载Earth Alerts(灾害预报软件) 2014.1.24 正式版




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